I am a Postgraduate research student working on a transdisciplinary
project located primarily in the fields of English, Critical Disability Studies
and Community Psychology. I am also interested in the medical humanities
and art practice. My work explores a long term medical condition with which I
live, work and research. I engage with experiences of visual difference and multisensorial ways of knowing.
My independent scholarship focuses on issues of inclusion and diversity and I
hope my work makes some small change to disrupting and challenging
marginalisation. My research is qualitative and value based at its core,
centring around theory and practice to enable and empower others as well as
myself through action and principle.
I am also involved in volunteering and everyday activism relating to
equality. I have recently become a member of the NHS Greater Manchester Values Group which consists of people with lived experience of health marginalisation
working alongside health professionals, those from the third sector organisations,
and the wider community to influence positive change in the NHS and equal
access for all. My other patient and public involvement
and engagement role is that of Vice Public Co-Chair of the Greater Manchester Academic Health
Science Network’s Public Experience Group. In this group we
seek to embed our involvement from the early stages of development of
innovations such as the sharing of electronic patient records. In my
spare time I enjoy writing poetry by ear. I consider my commitment to
health and fitness activities (such as Yoga and Pilates) as a way to reclaim my